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Tastylia 20mg is a phosphodiesterase (PDE) inhibitor, prescribed for erectile dysfunction in men. Tastylia 20mg is a PDE5 inhibitor class of medicine that comes in the form of disintegrating strips. You have definitely heard about the usage of ED pills. The only difference between the pills and disintegration strips is the form of usage. Though the working of both these medicines is completely identical to each other.

Tastylia 20mg (Tadalafil Strips)

  • Tastylia 20mg is a PDE5 inhibitor class of medicine that comes in the form of disintegrating strips. You have definitely heard about the usage of ED pills. The only difference between the pills and disintegration strips is the form of usage. Though the working of both these medicines is completely identical to each other. 


    So what exactly are disintegrating strips? These are rectangular or squared medicinal strips consisting of tadalafil as the primary ingredient. When you keep these strips on your tongue, they will dissolve in your mouth. They are useful for those who dislike or have issues in taking swallowing pills.

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