In Post menopausal osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a common condition that weakens bones, making them fragile and more likely to break. It often occurs in women after menopause. This condition can be treated with bone-strengthening medicines. Ostospray slows down the rate at which bone is broken down in your body. This maintains bone density and reduces your risk of breaking a bone. Use it as advised by the doctor and follow your doctor’s instructions carefully.
In Paget’s disease
Paget’s disease is a condition that disrupts the replacement of old bone tissue with new bone tissue. Ostospray decreases the bone degeneration and helps in regeneration of healthy bone tissue. You can help improve the strength of your bones by doing regular exercise (especially weight-bearing exercise), eating healthy foods containing calcium and Vitamin D and reducing your consumption of alcohol and tobacco. Supplements of calcium and Vitamin D3 are also effective.